US Ships Sail Near South China Sea Islands Claimed by Beijing

telesurtv 27 May 2018

  • The guided-missile destroyer USS Mahan (DDG 72) transits the Mediterranean Sea in this August 31, 2012 handout photo.

    The guided-missile destroyer USS Mahan (DDG 72) transits the Mediterranean Sea in this August 31, 2012 handout photo. | Photo: Reuters

China’s Foreign Ministry urged the United States to stop such actions.

Two U.S. Navy warships sailed near South China Sea islands claimed by China Sunday, two U.S. officials told Reuters, in a move that drew condemnation from Beijing as President Donald Trump seeks its continued cooperation on North Korea.

The operation was the latest attempt to counter what Washington sees as Beijing’s efforts to limit freedom of navigation in the strategic waters.

While this operation had been planned months in advance, and similar operations have become routine, it comes at a particularly sensitive time and just days after the Pentagon uninvited China from a major U.S.-hosted naval drill.

The U.S. officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the Higgins guided-missile destroyer and the Antietam, a guided-missile cruiser, came within 12 nautical miles of the Paracel Islands, among a string of islets, reefs and shoals over which China has territorial disputes with its neighbors.

China’s Foreign Ministry urged the United States to stop such actions. “China will continue to take all necessary measures to defend the country’s sovereignty and security,” it added, without elaborating.

Satellite photographs taken on May 12 showed China appeared to have deployed truck-mounted surface-to-air missiles or anti-ship cruise missiles at Woody Island.

Earlier this month, China’s air force landed bombers on islands and reefs in the South China Sea as part of a training exercise in the region.

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