Mỹ dẫn đầu 4 nước tập trận ở Biển Đông

ANTG – Thứ Hai, 22/04/2024, 11:21

Mỹ, Nhật Bản, Australia và Philippines đã tổ chức cuộc tập trận chung chính thức đầu tiên ở Biển Đông hôm 7/4. Các nhà lãnh đạo Mỹ, Nhật Bản, Philippines cũng đã tổ chức hội nghị thượng đỉnh 3 bên đầu tiên tại Washington vào ngày 11/4 và dự kiến sẽ công bố lịch tuần tra chung ở Biển Đông trong năm nay.

Theo báo cáo, cuộc tập trận này nhằm duy trì trật tự quốc tế, tự do hàng hải và hàng không trong khu vực Ấn Độ Dương – Thái Bình Dương, đồng thời sẽ giúp tăng cường khả năng tương tác của 4 nước trên các phương diện lý thuyết, chiến thuật và kỹ năng. Theo tin tổng hợp từ các nguồn tin như Bộ Quốc phòng Philippines và Đại sứ quán Nhật Bản tại Philippines, các yếu tố cơ bản của cuộc tập trận lần này gây được sự chú ý và có vẻ được thiết kế một cách cẩn thận.

Tổng thống Mỹ Joe Biden tiếp Tổng thống Philippines Ferdinand Marcos Jr. và Thủ tướng Nhật Bản Fumio Kishida tại Nhà Trắng, ngày 11/4.
Tiếp tục đọc “Mỹ dẫn đầu 4 nước tập trận ở Biển Đông”

Philipipnes đổ bộ đảo mới ở Trường Sa, TQ mang trực thăng tấn công

VN Youtuber – 28-3-2024

Gần đây Philippines hai lần đưa người đổ bộ lên rạn san hô Hoài Ân trên quần đảo Trường Sa của Việt Nam. Sự việc đó đã làm căng thẳng với TQ leo thang khi phía TQ dùng cả trực thăng đến thổi gió mạnh để ngăn chặn.

Vietnam opposes Chinese vessel’s operation near Vanguard Bank

VNE – By Vu Anh, Tu Binh   February 29, 2024 | 06:44 pm GMT+7

The 5901 vessel by the Chinese Coast Guard. Photo courtesy of CAP

Vietnam strongly opposes acts of violations of its sovereignty over Vanguard Bank, the foreign ministry said Thursday.

“The Vanguard Bank is a part of Vietnam’s continental shelf, established in accordance with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS),” said spokeswoman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Pham Thu Hang in a Thursday press meet.

She was responding to inquiries about China sending its coast guard vessel to the area recently.

Tiếp tục đọc “Vietnam opposes Chinese vessel’s operation near Vanguard Bank”

South China Sea: how ideological differences between Philippines and China could heat up tensions in disputed waters

  • The countries’ opposing ideologies amid clashing sovereignty claims could lead to years of militarisation and confrontation in the region if not contained, analysts warn
  • Manila has been boosting defence ties with various countries with the aim of building ‘collective deterrence’ in the event of conflict in the region
Maria Siow

Maria Siow+ FOLLOW

Published: 10:00am, 26 Jan, 2024 SCMP

The recent trading of barbs between China and the Philippines over ideological differences highlights the “perennial mistrust” between the two neighbours, experts say, noting that their disparate approaches to democracy and authoritarianism are likely to further escalate tensions in the South China Sea.

After Taiwan’s ruling-party candidate Lai Ching-te emerged victorious in the island’s presidential election earlier this month, Philippines President Ferdinand Marcos Jnr congratulated Lai, referring to the latter as president.

Tiếp tục đọc “South China Sea: how ideological differences between Philippines and China could heat up tensions in disputed waters”


The Blue Security Program engages with and facilitates high quality research on issues of critical maritime security across the Indo-Pacific.

Bringing together leading regional experts in politics, international law and strategic studies, Blue Security focuses on three key pillars of maritime security: order, law and power.

Blue Security is a collaboration between La Trobe Asia, Griffith Asia Institute (GAI), University of New South Wales Canberra (ADFA), University of Western Australia’s Defence and Security Institute (DSI), United States Studies Centre at the University of Sydney and the Asia-Pacific Development, Diplomacy & Defence Dialogue (AP4D). It produces working papers, commentaries, and scholarly publications related to maritime security for audiences across the Indo-Pacific.


China’s ‘Predatory’ Trawler Fleet and the Fishing Industry’s Dirty Secret

Nov 17, 2023 at 6:04 AM EST00:46 Newsweek

China’s ‘Predatory’ Trawler Fleet And The Fishing Industry’s Dirty Secret

By Micah McCartney

Freelance China News Reporter

China’s alleged abuse of the world’s oceans was examined in recent studies into its vast fishing fleet, which is accused of destroying maritime ecosystems far from its shores and perpetuating the industry’s forced labor practices.

China-flagged ships on the high seas were involved in “theft on a grand scale, unrestricted warfare on natural resources,” said a report by the SeaLight project, which says it uses “commercially available technology to shed light on the maritime ‘gray zone.'”

Illegal, unregulated and unreported (IUU) fishing by Chinese vessels was happening throughout the Asia-Pacific, including within other countries’ exclusive economic zones (EEZ), according to SeaLight, which is under Stanford’s Gordian Knot Center for National Security Innovation.

Tiếp tục đọc “China’s ‘Predatory’ Trawler Fleet and the Fishing Industry’s Dirty Secret”

Maritime Heist

China’s predatory fishing fleets are denuding fish stocks and marine ecosystems on an unprecedented industrial scale. International collective action is urgently needed.

Kevin Edes | NOVEMBER 14, 2023

Maritime Heist

Kevin Edes

Maritime Security Analyst Sealight

The desecration of maritime habitats and life-sustaining coral reefs is a clear and present threat at the hands of China’s massive fishing fleet. The maritime equivalent to poisoning a sovereign nation’s local farms, this threat has already had multi-generational impacts to the economy, climate and food supplies. Collaborative and bold solutions are imperative.

Admiral Linda Fagan, Commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard, identified China as one of the prime culprits in illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing, committing “theft of a nation’s natural resources.” Chinese fishing vessels steal coral for jewelry, giant clams for the ivory industry, and fish stocks to feed its own population. This is theft on a grand scale, unrestricted warfare on natural resources. The pilfering is happening across Asia, throughout the Pacific as far west as the Galapagos Islands, and off the West African coast, even within exclusive economic zones (EEZ) to which countries have a sovereign right to all natural resources.

Do not clam up on this issue just because it is only coral, clams and fish. Coral and giant clams are the life source of the ocean, easing the impacts of climate change, providing a protective breeding ground for fish, and serving as water filters. Giant clams increase the biodiversity of the coral which supports vital fisheries in the South China Sea. These fisheries account for 12% of the world’s catch and 28% of the protein to sustain human life in the region. The ongoing destruction at the hands of Chinese fishermen guarantees a loss of environmental and food security for future generations across the region.

Tiếp tục đọc “Maritime Heist”

When titans clash 2 (3 parts)

US-China: Is A New NATO Emerging In Asia? | When Titans Clash 2 – Part 1/3 | CNA Documentary

CNA Insider – 29-4-2022

As the Ukraine crisis unfolds, China accuses the US of creating an Indo-Pacific version of NATO, and warns of a “Ukraine style tragedy” for Asia. On the other hand, countries like Japan, Philippines, India, Australia and South Korea, seek closer ties to the US as concerns emerge over China’s actions. Could Asia witness a war in the years ahead? Tiếp tục đọc “When titans clash 2 (3 parts)”

Preparing for Dangerous Storms – 3 Parts

Inside China’s People’s Liberation Army | Preparing For Dangerous Storms – Part 1 | CNA Documentary

CNA Insider

China’s People’s Liberation Army celebrates its centenary in 2027, what are its goals for this date? The PLA is already the largest army in the world with over 2 million soldiers. It also has the biggest number of warships. But China’s defense budget is still climbing amidst increasing geopolitical tensions. How exactly is the PLA “preparing for Dangerous Storms” as tasked by President Xi?

Tiếp tục đọc “Preparing for Dangerous Storms – 3 Parts”

Philippines welcomes more US troops at home: Will it be worth it?

Philippines Welcomes More US Troops At Home: Will It Be Worth It? | Insight | Full Episode



At the 56th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting and its related meetings in Jakarta in July, it was announced that negotiations for the Code of Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (COC) had achieved progress on two fronts. First, the second reading of the Single Draft COC Negotiating Text was completed. Second, a set of Guidelines for Accelerating the Early Conclusion of an Effective and Substantive Code of Conduct in the South China Sea was adopted at the Post Ministerial Conference 10+1 Meeting with China. As a matter of fact, these developments are rather more procedural (and perhaps political) than substantive.