Despite reforms, mining for EV metals in Congo exacts steep cost on workers
After revelations of child labor and treacherous conditions in many cobalt mines, automakers and mineral companies said they would adhere to international safety standards

The Shabara artisanal mine, where cobalt and copper are dug out by hand, near the Congolese boomtown of Kolwezi.

By Katharine Houreld and  Arlette Bashizi

Aug. 4 at 5:00 p.m.

Correspondent Katharine Houreld and photographer Arlette Bashizi traveled together across southeastern Congo, visiting industrial and artisanal mines in the country’s three largest cobalt mining towns. Houreld is The Washington Post’s East Africa bureau chief, based in Nairobi, with responsibilities stretching from the Horn of Africa to the continent’s southern tip. Bashizi is a Congolese photographer, based in Goma, focusing on issues related to health, environment and culture.

FUNGURUME, Democratic Republic of Congo — Alain Kasongo, burly and goateed, worked for four years driving the heavy trucks that hauled away tons of cobalt ore from a gaping hole at one of the biggest mines in Congo. The vibrations from the equipment and the jolts of driving over rough ground during his 12-hour shifts could be bone-rattling, he said. Finally, the pain in his spine grew so unbearable that he needed surgery.

His older brother, Patchou Kasongo Mutuka, worked the same job at the same mine. He suffered the same injury and required the same surgery — as did 13 other drivers of excavators and trucks at the mine who were interviewed. They lifted their shirts to reveal surgical scars and spread out carefully folded medical records confirming their accounts. They in turn named seven more colleagues who had suffered the same fate, all within a two-year period.

“It hurt so badly when I went home, I would lie awake at night,” said Alain Kasongo, 43, displaying bumps and ridges on his body from what he said were three operations.

Tiếp tục đọc “Despite reforms, mining for EV metals in Congo exacts steep cost on workers”

A brief lesson on Roe v. Wade

By Valerie Strauss

A crowd gathers outside the Supreme Court early on May 3 after a draft opinion was leaked, appearing to show that a majority of justices were ready to overturn the 1973 decision in Roe v. Wade. (Alex Brandon/AP)

Roe v. Wade, the historic 1973 Supreme Court decision that made abortion legal in the first trimester of a woman’s pregnancy, is in danger of being struck down by the conservative majority, according to news reports published Monday night.

According to this Washington Post article, a draft opinion published by Politico said that a majority of justices are ready to reverse the ruling — though until a decision has been formally announced, any vote that has been taken can be reconsidered. In any case, the leak itself was big news — an unprecedented breach of court protocol in modern times.

Supreme Court is ready to strike down Roe v. Wade, leaked draft shows

The following background on the case comes from the National Constitution Center, a nonprofit organization in Philadelphia with a congressional charter to disseminate information about the U.S. Constitution on a nonpartisan basis:

Tiếp tục đọc “A brief lesson on Roe v. Wade”

Pandemic deters human trafficking to China, but fight far from over

By Viet Anh   November 30, 2021 | 10:32 am GMT+7

Measures to contain the Covid-19 pandemic have also curtailed human trafficking from Vietnam to China, but traffickers are looking for other routes.

In the fall of 2020, when officials in a remote province in China began to check identities to combat Covid transmission, they found a 50-year-old woman in a poor family without any identity papers.

“It turned out she was a Vietnamese victim trafficked to China around 35 years ago,” Dinh Thi Minh Chau, a senior psychologist at the Blue Dragon Foundation, a Hanoi organization that works to rescue trafficking victims, said.

The woman from northern Vietnam had agreed to go with a person in her village to find a job because her family was too poor.

Tiếp tục đọc “Pandemic deters human trafficking to China, but fight far from over”

Advancing human rights through trade

Why stronger human rights monitoring is needed and how to make it work

Political shifts, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the struggle for a shared vision of how to ‘build back better’, have reignited the debate about trade and human rights. 

Although many trade agreements take human rights impacts into consideration, the monitoring systems that have emerged so far are not comprehensive. Without robust human rights monitoring, trading partners have little chance of ensuring that their counterparts are meeting their commitments.

While there are considerable structural, political and resource-related challenges to conducting more systematic and effective human rights monitoring, recent experiences in this field can help policymakers design more effective monitoring mechanisms for the future.

Tiếp tục đọc “Advancing human rights through trade”

Indonesia’s Aceh enlists an all-female flogging squad to enforce Shariah law

A female flogging squad has enraged Indonesian activists. Authorities in the province say more women are committing “moral” offenses, which are punishable in Islamic-conservative Aceh by whipping or caning.

A woman is caned in Aceh

Aceh province on the northern tip of Indonesia’s Sumatra island follows Shariah law, an Islamic criminal code that includes “morality” offenses like gambling, adultery, drinking alcohol, and having gay or pre-marital sex.
Tiếp tục đọc “Indonesia’s Aceh enlists an all-female flogging squad to enforce Shariah law”

EU Parliament to approve EU-Vietnam trade deal despite human rights “concerns”

By Jorge Valero | 0:02

A worker operates at Garment 10 company in Hanoi, Vietnam, 07 February 2020. Vietnam’s textile and garment industry expects to achieve 42 billion USD in export in 2020 . [EPA-EFE/LUONG THAI LINH]

The European Parliament is set to approve on Wednesday (12 February) a trade agreement with Vietnam, despite some MEPs and NGOs seeking to postpone their consent until the human rights situation improves in the country.

The agreement, concluded after six years of negotiations, would be the most ambitious deal signed with a developing nation.

It will eliminate 99% of the tariffs over a seven-year period and will reduce other non-tariff barriers for cars wines and spirits. It will also protect Europe’s geographical indications  on products including Champagne, Rioja and Parmigiano.

“The deal will give a boost to the prosperity both of the EU and Vietnam, and represents a great opportunity for European exporters and investors”, said Parliament’s rapporteur, Belgian conservative Geert Bourgeois.

Vietnam is known for its textile and technology exports, especially smartphones. Samsung represents around 20% of the goods the country sends overseas.

Vietnam and EU sign ‘milestone’ free trade agreement

The European Union and Vietnam on Sunday (30 June) signed a long-awaited free trade deal that will slash duties on almost all goods, an agreement that pushes back against a rising tide of global protectionism and hailed as a “milestone” by Brussels.

But human rights organizations and some political groups were calling to postpone the approval until the country improves further its human rights and labour conditions.

During the debate held in the plenary of Tuesday, political groups including the EPP, Socialists, the liberal Renew Europe group and conservatives spoke in favour of giving their consent to their agreement, while the Identity and Democracy, the Greens and the Left-GUE were against.

Following the Parliament’s blessing, the agreement must be approved by the Council. The investment protection agreement must also be ratified by the 27 member states.
Tiếp tục đọc “EU Parliament to approve EU-Vietnam trade deal despite human rights “concerns””

10 Wuhan professors signed an open letter demanding free speech protections after a doctor who was punished for warning others about coronavirus died from it

People attend a vigil to mourn for doctor Li Wenliang on February 7, 2020 in Hong Kong, China.
People attend a vigil to mourn for doctor Li Wenliang on February 7, 2020 in Hong Kong, China. 
Photo by Anthony Kwan/Getty Images
  • An open letter signed by 10 Wuhan professors argues that the Chinese government needs to enforce its own freedom of speech articles in the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China.
  • The letter follows the death of Li Wenliang, a Wuhan doctor who was reprimanded by police for “making false comments” after warning people about the Wuhan coronavirus – which he later contracted.
  • The open letter, along with another letter signed by academics around China, demands that the government apologize to and compensate coronavirus whistleblowers and make Li a national martyr.

At the onset of the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak, local doctor Li Wenliang <a Tiếp tục đọc “10 Wuhan professors signed an open letter demanding free speech protections after a doctor who was punished for warning others about coronavirus died from it”

UN’s top court orders Myanmar to protect Rohingya from genocide

Momentous pronouncement at Hague rejects Aung San Suu Kyi’s defence of her country’s military

Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh take part in prayers to mark the second anniversary of their exodus from Myanmar
 Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh take part in prayers to mark the second anniversary of their exodus from Myanmar. Photograph: Rafiquar Rahman/Reuters

Myanmar has been ordered by the United Nations’ highest court to prevent genocidal violence against its Rohingya Muslim minority and preserve any evidence of past crimes.

In a momentous and unanimous decision, the international court of justice (ICJ) in The Hague imposed emergency “provisional measures” on the country – intervening in its domestic affairs by instructing the government of Aung San Suu Kyi to respect the requirements of the 1948 genocide convention.

Declaring that there was prima facie evidence of breaches of the convention, the court warned that the estimated 600,000 Rohingya remaining in Myanmar were “extremely vulnerable” to attacks by the military. Tiếp tục đọc “UN’s top court orders Myanmar to protect Rohingya from genocide”


Position of the European Parliament…recommending that the European Parliament only consent to the agreements if Vietnam releases its political prisoners and takes further steps to improve the human rights situation.

Background and state of play

The EU hopes that its free trade agreement (FTA) and investment protection agreement (IPA) with Vietnam will boost trade and investment; the agreements are also an important stepping stone to the EU’s longer-term goal of a region-to-region EU-Southeast Asia trade deal. Vietnam, a fast-growing and competitive economy whose bilateral trade with the EU has quintupled over the past ten years, is equally keen on the deal, which could potentially bring €15 billion a year of additional exports to the EU by 2035. Tiếp tục đọc “EU-VIETNAM FREE TRADE AGREEMENT (EVFTA)”


THEY WERE KILLED by their own army. On December 3, while members of the Taboli-manubo people on the Philippine island of Mindanao were farming and doing housework, the army began shelling their neighborhood and spraying them with gunfire from all directions. Eight people were killed.

The dead included Datu Victor Danyan, a leader of protests against the expansion of a coffee plantation by an agribusiness firm, and four of his family members. Danyan had long been involved in resisting the company, Silvicultural Industries Inc., whose operation had taken over ancestral land and threatened the community’s livelihood. More were injured in the attack, and 200 were forced to evacuate the area, abandoning the fields they had sought to preserve. While the Taboli-manubo people believe the cause of the attack was their resistance to Silvicultural Industries, the Philippine army disputes this.

This was one of many attacks on land and environmental defenders in 2017 recorded by Global Witness, which defines such defenders as those who take peaceful action when land, forests, or rivers are encroached upon by industry, whether as members of the local community, or as activists, journalists, or lawyers. Tiếp tục đọc “DEFENDING LAND AND ENVIRONMENTAL RIGHTS HAS BECOME AN INCREASINGLY DEADLY ENDEAVOR”

Lịch sử nghề mại dâm qua hàng thế kỷ

English: History of Prostitution

Trái ngược với truyền thống dập khuôn cũ, mại dâm gần như chắc chắn không phải là nghề lâu đời nhất thế giới, mà có lẽ là săn bắn, hái lượm, theo sau có lẽ là canh tác tự cung tự cấp. Mại dâm tồn tại trong hầu hết các nền văn minh trên trái đất, tuy nhiên, có nguồn gốc trải dài trên trang sử nhân loại. Bất cứ khi nào có tiền, hàng hóa hoặc dịch vụ sẵn có để trao đổi, sẽ có ai đó sẵn sàng trao đổi bằng bán dâm.

Thế kỷ 18 trước công nguyên (TCN): Bộ luật Hammurabi của đế chế Babylon đề cập đến mại dâm

Bộ luật Hammurabi được biên soạn vào đầu triều đại vua Babylon, Hammurabi, từ năm 1792 đến 750 TCN, bao gồm các điều khoản để bảo vệ quyền thừa kế của người bán dâm. Ngoại trừ góa phụ, đây là kiểu phụ nữ duy nhất không có nam giới hỗ trợ. Bộ luật được trích dẫn như sau:

Nếu một “người phụ nữ cống hiến” hoặc một người bán dâm mà cha cô đã cho hồi môn kèm giấy chuyển nhượng… thì sau khi cha chết, anh em của cô sẽ giữ ruộng và vườn, ngô, dầu và sữa theo đúng phần của cô … Tiếp tục đọc “Lịch sử nghề mại dâm qua hàng thế kỷ”

Đề án giảng dạy Nhân quyền các cấp học: vui đó, lo đó?

Thùy Sơn (#XHDS) Giai đoạn 3 năm sẽ là điều kiện để đánh giá và điều chỉnh nội dung giảng dạy theo từng cấp học. Nhưng câu hỏi là ai sẽ đủ điều kiện để giảng dạy trong thời điểm hiện tại đã là năm 2017; kiến thức người giảng dạy ra sao; hình thức lồng ghép vào các bộ môn hay là tách ra trở thành một tiết riêng vẫn là câu hỏi lớn. 

Tiếp tục đọc “Đề án giảng dạy Nhân quyền các cấp học: vui đó, lo đó?”

Tại sao thế giới cần các cộng đồng dân tộc bản địa quản lý đất đai của chính họ?

English: One Earth: Why the World Needs Indigenous Communities to Steward Their Lands

Chỉ vào hình con quạ trong cuốn truyện tranh, tôi đọc “kaak” bằng tiếng Bengali, tiếng nói của vùng này. Trong khi những người khác đồng thanh lặp lại tiếng đó thì các em học sinh lớp một người dân tộc trả lời với cái nhìn trống rỗng. Các em chỉ biết con quạ là “koyo”. Các em sẽ vui vẻ lôi những viên bi thuỷ tinh ra đếm nhưng hỏi đếm được mấy viên, các em sẽ im lặng bởi trong ngôn ngữ mẹ đẻ của các em, một nghĩa là “mit”, hai là “bariah” – rất khác tiếng Bengali là “ek” và “du”.

Một bà mẹ đứng đầu gia đình người dân tộc ở tỉnh Sikkim, giàu có về đa dạng sinh học, ngọn đồi dưới chân núi Himalayan. Bà là một kho kiến thức về cây thuốc và cây thực phẩm truyền thống . Tiếp tục đọc “Tại sao thế giới cần các cộng đồng dân tộc bản địa quản lý đất đai của chính họ?”

Thương mại khiêu dâm ở Đông Á và vi phạm nhân quyền

English: East Asia’s pornography trade and abuse of human rights

Lịch sử cuộc chiến tranh nô lệ tình dục của quân đội Nhật Bản đối với phụ nữ vẫn còn trong tâm trí của Đông Á. Các nhà lãnh đạo Nhật Bản làm cho điều này khó quên. Gần đây nhất, Thứ trưởng Ngoại giao Shinsuke Sugiyama  đã tuyên bố với Ủy ban Liên hợp quốc về Xóa bỏ Phân biệt đối xử với Phụ nữ rằng chính phủ của ông khẳng định không có tài liệu xác nhận việc tuyển dụng bắt buộc trong thời kỳ chiến tranh- điều được gọi là “phụ nữ thoải mái “. Sự từ chối của các nhà lãnh đạo Nhật Bản đối với việc  thừa nhận trách nhiệm pháp lý hoặc trả tiền đền bù cho các nạn nhân làm cho mại dâm quân sự trở thành một nền tảng đang tiếp diễn đối với quan hệ ngoại giao của Đông Á.

Việc từ chối thừa nhận lạm dụng tình dục trong quá khứ cũng được phản ánh qua việc không thể thừa nhận và đối mặt với các quy tắc tình dục gây phiền nhiễu và việc lạm dụng tình dục ngày nay. Theo sử gia Nhật Bản Hajime Imanishi, “Các tiêu chuẩn và văn hoá tình dục- điều bao trùm [Nhật Bản] đã phát triển trong quá trình lịch sử”.

Người Đông Á tiếp tục được nhắc nhở về lịch sử nô lệ tình dục. Sản phẩm khiêu dâm được sản xuất tại Nhật Bản và xuất khẩu sang các nước trong khu vực ngày nay tạo thành một thực trạng đang tiếp diễn về nền văn hóa và tiêu chuẩn tình dục được duy trì bởi một số đàn ông Nhật và được ủng hộ bởi nhiều nam giới trong khu vực. Tiếp tục đọc “Thương mại khiêu dâm ở Đông Á và vi phạm nhân quyền”

Vietnam to include human rights in education

Last update 15:16 | 07/09/2017

Vietnam has approved a project that aims to make human rights an integral subject in education nationwide by 2025.

Vietnam to include human rights in education, Vietnam education, Vietnam higher education, Vietnam vocational training, Vietnam students, Vietnam children, Vietnam education reform, vietnamnet bridge, english news, Vietnam news, news Vietnam, vietnamnet n

A little girl’s cheerful face on the first day of the new school year

Per the project, teaching human rights will be piloted at several kindergartens, schools, universities and vocational training centers in three cities and provinces in the north, south, and central regions.

By 2025, all educational establishments across Vietnam will have the subject in their curriculum. Tiếp tục đọc “Vietnam to include human rights in education”