Quấy rối tình dục nơi công sở: Chỉ đùa thôi, làm gì mà căng?

Ngọc Ánh

Thứ hai, 19/07/2021 – 06:30

(Dân trí) – “Tôi rơi vào trạng thái trầm cảm khi đến công ty và không dám nói chuyện bị quấy rối với chồng. Tôi chỉ xóa nhanh những tin nhắn tục tĩu vì sợ bị hiểu lầm” – chị Đ.T.H. chia sẻ.

Phải chăng chỉ là… đùa vô hại?

Chị Đ.T.H (28 tuổi, trú tại Hà Nội) đang là nhân viên của một công ty trong lĩnh vực truyền thông. Chị đã kết hôn và có con gái hơn 3 tuổi.

Môi trường làm việc của chị khá thoải mái, cởi mở, thậm chí những chủ đề “nhạy cảm” cũng hay được mọi người đem ra bàn tán trong giờ nghỉ giải lao.

Vì đã lập gia đình nên chị Đ.T.H không quá lo lắng và chưa từng nghĩ sẽ trở thành nạn nhân bị quấy rối tình dục. Cho đến cuối năm ngoái, trưởng phòng nhân sự thường xuyên gửi những bức ảnh và đường link clip nhạy cảm vào Zalo của chị. Người này còn hứa hẹn nếu “chiều” anh ta, chị sẽ sớm được thăng chức, tăng lương.

Quấy rối tình dục nơi công sở: Chỉ đùa thôi, làm gì mà căng? - 1
Nhiều nữ nhân viên bị quấy rối tình dục chọn im lặng thay vì lên tiếng (Ảnh minh họa).

Tiếp tục đọc “Quấy rối tình dục nơi công sở: Chỉ đùa thôi, làm gì mà căng?”

Australia used to export rubbish overseas, now it’s hoping to create an economy out of waste


With Singapore looking to adopt a circular economy, CNA visits Sydney, where efforts are under way to close its waste loop. 

Australia used to export rubbish overseas, now it's hoping to create an economy out of waste
Australia produces 54 megatonnes of waste a year, the equivalent of roughly 880kg per person. (Photo: CNA/Vanessa Lim)
Vanessa Lim


03 May 2022 06:01AM(Updated: 03 May 2022 06:01AM)


SYDNEY: Take a walk around Sydney’s city centre and chances are, it won’t take long before you find a recycling bin or a product made from recycled material. 

While it may seem insignificant, it is a sign of how Australia’s packaging landscape is changing. 

Tiếp tục đọc “Australia used to export rubbish overseas, now it’s hoping to create an economy out of waste”

Climate change will force new animal encounters — and boost viral outbreaks


Modelling study is first to project how global warming will increase virus swapping between species.

A bat flying over trees against a blue sky.
Bats will have a large contribution to virus transmission between species in the future, a modelling study finds.Credit: Pratik Chorge/Hindustan Times via Getty

Over the next 50 years, climate change could drive more than 15,000 new cases of mammals transmitting viruses to other mammals, according to a study published in Nature1. It’s one of the first to predict how global warming will shift wildlife habitats and increase encounters between species capable of swapping pathogens, and to quantify how many times viruses are expected to jump between species.

Many researchers say that the COVID-19 pandemic probably started when a previously unknown coronavirus passed from a wild animal to a human: a process called zoonotic transmission. A predicted rise in viruses jumping between species could trigger more outbreaks, posing a serious threat to human and animal health alike, the study warns — providing all the more reason for governments and health organizations to invest in pathogen surveillance and to improve health-care infrastructure.

Why deforestation and extinctions make pandemics more likely

The study is “a critical first step in understanding the future risk of climate and land-use change on the next pandemic”, says Kate Jones, who models interactions between ecosystems and human health at University College London.

The research predicts that much of the new virus transmission will happen when species meet for the first time as they move to cooler locales because of rising temperatures. And it projects that this will occur most often in species-rich ecosystems at high elevations, particularly areas of Africa and Asia, and in areas that are densely populated by humans, including Africa’s Sahel region, India and Indonesia. Assuming that the planet warms by no more than 2 °C above pre-industrial temperatures this century — a future predicted by some climate analyses — the number of first-time meetings between species will double by 2070, creating virus-transmission hotspots, the study says.

Tiếp tục đọc “Climate change will force new animal encounters — and boost viral outbreaks”

US Supreme Court draft opinion that would overturn Roe v. Wade published by Politico – Pelosi, Schumer Joint Statement on Reported Draft Supreme Court Decision




By Tierney SneedAriane de Vogue and Joan Biskupic, CNN

Updated 0331 GMT (1131 HKT) May 3, 2022

'Stunning on so many levels': CNN legal analyst breaks down draft opinion from Politico

(CNN)In a stunning breach of Supreme Court confidentiality and secrecy, Politico has obtained what it calls a draft of a majority opinion written by Justice Samuel Alito that would strike down Roe v. Wade.

Tiếp tục đọc “US Supreme Court draft opinion that would overturn Roe v. Wade published by Politico – Pelosi, Schumer Joint Statement on Reported Draft Supreme Court Decision”