Hong Kong’s teachers are leaving. Is the National Security Law behind it? 

CNA Insider – 26-9-2023

Teachers in Hong Kong are leaving in record numbers. About 6,550 resigned or retired in the last academic year, almost twice the average prior to 2021. One possible reason? The National Security Law. Changes to the curriculum and limits on what can be discussed have left liberal-minded educators feeling stifled. Teachers are also worried that they risk censure should class discussions run afoul of the law. At the same time, thousands of students have also dropped out of Hong Kong schools, as the emigration wave continues. Some classrooms now sit empty. How will Hong Kong schools emerge from this shake up, and what will they look like after?

00:00 Introduction
01:35 Hong Kong teachers are quitting in record numbers
05:06 The National Security Law and how it affected education
14:47 Teachers under pressure
19:42 Recent changes to school curriculum
24:01 Heightened scrutiny in classrooms
27:04 The emigration wave and falling student enrolment
38:15 More mainland students entering Hong Kong
42:49 Future of Hong Kong’s education sector

Asia Stream: the struggle for Hong Kong’s identity

25 years after taking control of the territory, how is Beijing trying to change Hong Kong — and how is Hong Kong pushing back?

Nikkei staff writersJuly 2, 2022 07:23 JST


NEW YORK — Welcome to Nikkei Asia’s podcast: Asia Stream.

Every other week, Asia Stream tracks and analyzes the Indo-Pacific with a mix of expert interviews and original reporting by our correspondents from across the globe.

Listen on: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | YouTube

This episode, we take measure of the economic impact of China’s stringent laws in Hong Kong and then take a deep dive into the social and political costs of Beijing’s crackdown on the special administrative region.

Tiếp tục đọc “Asia Stream: the struggle for Hong Kong’s identity”

2022 Hong Kong Policy Act Report

US Department of State

2022 Hong Kong Policy Act Report



MARCH 31, 2022Share

Consistent with Sections 205 and 301 of the United States-Hong Kong Policy Act of 1992 (the “Act”) (22 U.S.C. §§ 5725 and 5731) and section 7043(f)(3)(C) of the Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2022 (Div. K, P.L. 117-103), the Department submits this report and the enclosed certification on conditions in Hong Kong from March 2021 through March 2022 (“covered period”).


The Department of State assesses that during the covered period, the central government of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) took new actions directly threatening U.S. interests in Hong Kong and that are inconsistent with the Basic Law and the PRC’s obligation pursuant to the Sino-British Joint Declaration of 1984 (Sino-British Joint Declaration) to allow Hong Kong to enjoy a high degree of autonomy.  In the Certification of Hong Kong’s Treatment under United States Laws, the Secretary of State certified Hong Kong does not warrant treatment under U.S. law in the same manner as U.S. laws were applied to Hong Kong before July 1, 1997.

Tiếp tục đọc “2022 Hong Kong Policy Act Report”

Asia Stream: A tale of three cities

Asia is home to some of the world’s largest and most dynamic cities. Why do some of them fail?

Nikkei staff writersFebruary 18, 2022 11:59 JST


NEW YORK — Welcome to Nikkei Asia’s podcast: Asia Stream.

Every week, Asia Stream tracks and analyzes the Indo-Pacific with a mix of interviews and original reporting by our correspondents from across the globe.

New episodes are recorded weekly and available on Apple PodcastsSpotify and all other major platforms, and on our YouTube channel.


Tiếp tục đọc “Asia Stream: A tale of three cities”

Hong Kong’s fate is the future of globalism

A pro-democracy lawmaker in Hong Kong is arrested by police during a protest

Andrew Wan, a pro-democracy legislator, is arrested during a protest in Hong Kong, July 1. Photo: Yat Kai Yeung/NurPhoto via Getty Images

A new security law in Hong Kong is the latest blow to a globalist vision of the free movement of people, ideas and capital. Tiếp tục đọc “Hong Kong’s fate is the future of globalism”

Declaration of the High Representative on behalf of the European Union on the adoption by China’s National People’s Congress of a National Security Legislation on Hong Kong.

Council of the EU Press release 1 July 2020 10:50

The Standing Committee of China’s National People’s Congress adopted the National Security Law in Hong Kong on 30 June and subsequently promulgated it in Hong Kong the same day. The European Union reiterates its grave concerns about this law which was adopted without any meaningful prior consultation of Hong Kong’s Legislative Council and civil society. Tiếp tục đọc “Declaration of the High Representative on behalf of the European Union on the adoption by China’s National People’s Congress of a National Security Legislation on Hong Kong.”

Former Canadian PM Mulroney calls for revised relations with China

Former Canadian prime minister Brian Mulroney
Former Canadian prime minister Brian Mulroney, seen here at George Bush’s funeral in 2018, said his country needed to revise its ties with China. (AFP/Alex Brandon)

MONTREAL: Canada must have an “urgent rethink” of its relationship with China, former prime minister Brian Mulroney said on Wednesday (Jul 1) as tensions build over the possible extradition to the United States of Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou. Tiếp tục đọc “Former Canadian PM Mulroney calls for revised relations with China”

US lawmakers seek more action on Hong Kong after arrests

Hong Kong protesters
Protesters chant slogans during a rally against a new national security law in Hong Kong on the anniversary of the city’s handover from Britain. (AFP/Anthony WALLACE)

WASHINGTON, DC: US lawmakers on Wednesday (Jul 1) urged further action against China over its imposition of a security law in Hong Kong, where police broke up defiant protests. Tiếp tục đọc “US lawmakers seek more action on Hong Kong after arrests”

Hong Kong police arrest more than 300 protesting China’s ‘birthday gift’ of security law


Hong Kong police fire water cannon at crowds protesting new security law
A woman reacts after she was hit with pepper spray deployed by police as they cleared a street with protesters rallying against a new national security law in Hong Kong on Jul 1, 2020. (Photo: AFP/DALE DE LA REY)

BEIJING: Hong Kong police fired water cannon and tear gas and arrested more than 300 people on Wednesday (Jul 1) as protesters took to the streets in defiance of a new security law. Tiếp tục đọc “Hong Kong police arrest more than 300 protesting China’s ‘birthday gift’ of security law”

U.S. Halts High-Tech Exports to Hong Kong Over Security Concerns

The Trump administration’s new restrictions come in response to a new national security law that will extend China’s influence over Hong Kong.

Credit…Lam Yik Fei for The New York Times

By June 29, 2020, 6:25 p.m. ET

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration placed new restrictions on U.S. exports of defense equipment and certain high-technology products to Hong Kong on Monday, in response to a new Chinese law aimed at tightening Beijing’s control over the territory.

Tiếp tục đọc “U.S. Halts High-Tech Exports to Hong Kong Over Security Concerns”

Landslide victory for Hong Kong pro-democracy parties in de facto protest referendum

Hong Kong (CNN)Pro-democracy candidates appear to have made major gains in Hong Kong’s district council elections, as early results trickled in Monday morning, with multiple high-profile pro-government figures losing their seats.

More than 2.9 million people turned out to vote in Sunday’s elections, which have been framed as a de facto referendum on the almost six months of ongoing protests in the semi-autonomous Chinese city. With more than 95% of constituencies declared, pro-democracy candidates appeared to have won a landslide victory.

Tiếp tục đọc “Landslide victory for Hong Kong pro-democracy parties in de facto protest referendum”

Chine : face aux manifestations à Hongkong, des étudiants vietnamiens évacués

17/11/2019 23:07 Courrier du Vietnam

>>Chine : nouvelles violences à Hong Kong

Le consulat général du Vietnam à Hong Kong (Chine) a envoyé un représentant pour aider les étudiants vietnamiens à l’Université chinoise de Hong Kong à aller à l’aéroport pour rentrer à la maison. L’Université chinoise de Hong Kong, l’une des universités les plus prestigieuses de la région administrative spéciale, est devenue le lieu de rassemblement des manifestants du 12 au 15 novembre. La police de Hong Kong a été forcée d’utiliser des gaz lacrymogènes pour disperser les manifestants retranchés sur le campus. Pour assurer la sécurité des étudiants, les responsables de cette université ont annoncé le 13 novembre la fin du premier semestre de l’année scolaire 2019-2020. Les étudiants ont pris un congé temporaire et retourneront à l’école pour commencer le deuxième à partir du 6 janvier 2020. Le matin du 16 novembre, le représentant du consulat général du Vietnam à Hong Kong s’est rendu à l’Université chinoise de Hong Kong pour ramener les cinq Vietnamiens y étudiant à l’aéroport. Hong Kong arbitre environ 180.000 étudiants étrangers dont 50 vietnamiens.


Hong Kong’s protests present Beijing with a no-win situation. Will it choose the path where it loses the least?


  • Being dependent on international goodwill to maintain trade, it’s in Beijing’s interests to handle Hong Kong with patience. But with leaders stoking nationalism, they may be tempted to deal with protesters decisively, to bolster legitimacy at home

Beijing vents fury at Washington over Hong Kong Human Rights Act

Hong Kong (CNN)Chinese officials and state media have reacted with fury to the almost-unanimous passage of the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act by the US House of Representatives on Wednesday.

Tiếp tục đọc “Beijing vents fury at Washington over Hong Kong Human Rights Act”