Theravada Buddhism intheSpiritual Life ofKhmer People intheSouthern of Vietnam: Position, Role and Values

Nguyen Huu Tho, Kien Giang University

Buddhist philosophy has long permeated the Khmer ethnic community. In this community, the relationship between ethnicity (Khmer people) and religion (Theravada Buddhism) is closely linked together. The Southern Khmer temple is a cultural center of this ethnic group. This place is associated with cultural activities and folk rituals, and at the same time is a traditional school that teaches the knowledge, human ethics, and handicraft. The pagoda is like a museum about Buddhism and the art of “Phum” and “Soc”, a place for Khmer people to rely on their souls when they live and send their ashes when they die. This study refers to the position and role of Theravada Buddhism for Khmer people. From there, state the current situation and make recommendations to the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha and state management agencies, in order to contribute to preserving and promoting the values ​​of Khmer Theravada Buddhism and strengthening the great national unity bloc.

Article Details Vol. 58 No. 5 (2021): Vol. 58 No. 5 (2021)

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