Is Australia quietly quitting the LNG business?

One of the major investors in Australian LNG, INPEX, has recently suggested that the country is quietly quitting the LNG business. This is in the context of increasing government regulation, including the possibility of gas intended for LNG projects being diverted into the domestic market. The federal government has responded by reassuring major buyers that Australia will continue to be a reliable LNG supplier.

However, there are a number of fundamental challenges for the government in living up to its promise. First, Australian gas reserves are not being replaced, with some important legacy gas fields reaching the end of their lives. This includes both LNG and domestic gas fields. This leads to the possibility that shortfalls in the domestic market will have to be met by diversions from LNG projects that also face gas supply challenges. Second, the LNG projects are significant CO2 emitters and many Australian gas fields, including those with the potential to backfill LNG, contain significant volumes of CO2. The new federal government has adopted more ambitious emissions reduction targets. Third, coal-fired generation is being closed faster than it can be replaced with renewables, increasing demand for gas in key periods such as winter and pushing up gas prices.

To meet domestic and export gas demand, more gas supply is needed and there are more than
sufficient Contingent Resources to ensure this. However, many of the identified but undeveloped gas
resources also contain varying percentages of CO2. New gas developments have to be net zero from
day one, requiring carbon capture and storage (CCS) or carbon offsets. In particular, CCS will need to
be developed quickly and at scale. Australia has massive CCS potential but developing it quickly and
at scale is likely to require more supportive federal and state government policies.

Moreover, development of any new sources of domestic gas on the east coast is particularly challenged
by activist litigation, lack of government support in some states and recent gas price caps. This makes
it likely that gas will have to be diverted from east coast LNG projects, which themselves have their own
gas supply challenges.

In the Northern Territory and Western Australia maintaining LNG production will require significant new
gas development to backfill existing projects. Achieving this with zero net emissions will be a challenge,
while gas from LNG may also need to be diverted to meet demand in the Northern Territory and Western

In short, LNG buyers who are concerned about Australia quietly quitting the LNG business are right to
be concerned.

By: Graeme Bethune

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