Lessons of Second World War Must Continue to Guide United Nations Work, General Assembly Told During Meeting Marking Seventieth Anniversary


Several Speakers Call for Security Council Reform to Address Present Challenges

The lessons of World War II — on whose ashes the United Nations was founded — must continue to guide the Organization’s work, even as it adapted to meet the evolving challenges of the modern world, delegates commemorating the seventieth anniversary of the end of the war told the General Assembly today.

“We must never forget the international community’s responsibility to stand up to tyrants, despots and all those that attempt to suppress the enduring nature of the human spirit,” said Sam Kutesa (Uganda), Assembly President.  Having survived the catastrophe of the Second World War, humankind sought to embrace new means to prevent the recurrence of such tragic events.

To that end, he said, the Organization was established to ensure unity and harmony among nations.  As envisaged in the United Nations Charter, it was founded to “save succeeding generations from the scourge of war”.  Over the last seven decades, the war had not only shaped the Organization’s mission, but its lessons continued to guide its work around the world.

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