The Palestinian misuse, and Zionist abuse, of the Holocaust

Both sides are guilty of invoking the Holocaust, but the Palestinians do it defensively, the Israelis offensively.

In truth, the Palestinians have been so impacted by the implications of the Holocaust, albeit indirectly, that they have never truly understood its essence or comprehended its evil. Arabs are no strangers to colonial, imperial or ethnic violence, but nothing like the industrial-scale crimes perpetrated by Nazi Germany.

Aggrieved and angry, the Palestinians have long believed that it was they who paid the price for the horrors inflicted upon Jews in Europe…

…After all, the early Zionists chose to settle and build a homeland for Jews in Palestine nearly half a century before the Holocaust, knowing all too well that it is the homeland of another people. They wished it cleansed of its non-Jewish inhabitants.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in Berlin alongside German Chancellor Olaf Schultz on August 16. Abbas accused Israel of committing "50 Holocausts" against the Palestinian people.
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in Berlin alongside German Chancellor Olaf Schultz on August 16. Abbas accused Israel of carrying out ’50 Holocausts’ against the Palestinian people [Reuters]
Tiếp tục đọc “The Palestinian misuse, and Zionist abuse, of the Holocaust”

Barack Obama: Thoughts on Israel and Gaza

Barack Obama

·It’s been 17 days since Hamas launched its horrific attack against Israel, killing over 1,400 Israeli citizens, including defenseless women, children and the elderly. In the aftermath of such unspeakable brutality, the U.S. government and the American people have shared in the grief of families, prayed for the return of loved ones, and rightly declared solidarity with the Israeli people. Tiếp tục đọc “Barack Obama: Thoughts on Israel and Gaza”

Vietnamese buddhism: Influence of buddhist culture in vietnam during Ly- Tran dynasty (1009-1400 A.D.)

International Journal Of Current Research.

Author: Le Chi Luc Ph.D. Research Scholar, Mahayana Buddhist Studies, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur-522510, A.P, India

Abstract: Ly-Tran dynasty (1009 – 1400 A.D.) was the peak period of Vietnamese feudalism history. It was also known as the golden age of Vietnamese Buddhism. Therefore, the finding of study aim on the explore influence of Buddhist culture in Vietnam during Ly-Tran Dynasty (1009-1400 A.D.), that finds absorbed and deeply influenced in Vietnamese culture. This article addresses the main influences of Buddhist culture on the decisive ideology of this period, which is the premise to create a great landmark in the history of Vietnamese Buddhism finds the influence several aspects related the Vietnamese Buddhists 4 aspects as followed (1) influence on political – social thought, (2) influence on traditional and customs of Vietnamese, (3) influence on literature, and (4) influence on architecture and sculpture.

Download PDF file:  36536.pdf

Why the Global Stocktake is a Critical Moment for Climate Action

Climate Change

The global stocktake is a critical turning point in our battle against the escalating climate crisis – a moment to take a long, hard look at the state of our planet and chart a better course for the future.

“The global stocktake is an ambition exercise. It’s an accountability exercise. It’s an acceleration exercise,” said UN Climate Change Executive Secretary Simon Stiell. “It’s an exercise that is intended to make sure every Party is holding up their end of the bargain, knows where they need to go next and how rapidly they need to move to fulfill the goals of the Paris Agreement.”

What is the global stocktake?

Tiếp tục đọc “Why the Global Stocktake is a Critical Moment for Climate Action”

Philippines welcomes more US troops at home: Will it be worth it?

Philippines Welcomes More US Troops At Home: Will It Be Worth It? | Insight | Full Episode

U.S. Support for our Philippine Allies in the Face of Repeated PRC Harassment in the South China Sea




OCTOBER 22, 2023

The United States stands with our Philippine allies in the face of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) Coast Guard and maritime militia’s dangerous and unlawful actions obstructing an October 22 Philippine resupply mission to Second Thomas Shoal in the South China Sea.

Tiếp tục đọc “U.S. Support for our Philippine Allies in the Face of Repeated PRC Harassment in the South China Sea”

Climate Change History – PM of the UK, Margaret Thatcher – Speech to UN (Nov. 8, 1989)

Prime Minister of the UK, Margaret Thatcher studied chemistry at Oxford, and worked briefly as a research chemist before becoming a barrister

Mr President, it gives me great pleasure to return to the Podium of this assembly. When I last spoke here four years ago, on the 40th anniversary of the United Nations, the message that I and others like me gave was one of encouragement to the organisation to play the great role allotted to it.

Of all the challenges faced by the world community in those four years, one has grown clearer than any other in both urgency and importance—I refer to the threat to our global environment. I shall take the opportunity of addressing the general assembly to speak on that subject alone.


Tiếp tục đọc “Climate Change History – PM of the UK, Margaret Thatcher – Speech to UN (Nov. 8, 1989)”

Chasing malware scams: From Singapore to Vietnam, hacker hotspot


How Do Scammers Take Over Your Phone And Steal Your Money? – Part 1/2

Ever scroll through your social media and come across an advertisement for food or cleaning service? But an innocent ad could turn insidious when the seller asks you to download an app to place an order or booking. Since the start of this year, some 750 people have lost a combined total of over S$10 million to malware app scams. In this episode, host Steven Chia investigates how these scams work and attempts to bait a scammer himself.

00:00 Introduction

01:22 A deal too good to be true?

05:59 Malware: How does it work?

09:12 Could we easily fall for malware scams?

12:19 What a malware app might look like

18:55 Why are Android phones at greater risk than iPhones?

21:06 If I lose my money, will banks give my money back?

Who Are The People Behind Malware Scams? – Part 2/2

After investigating how malware scams affect victims, host Steven Chia heads to Vietnam to find out who is behind these scams and how easy it is to create malware. He meets a notorious ex-hacker who digs further into an app embedded with malware that was making its rounds in Singapore. He also finds out how sophisticated scams are going to get, and what we can do to protect ourselves. WATCH Part 1:    • How Do Scammers Take Over Your Phone …  

Tiếp tục đọc “Chasing malware scams: From Singapore to Vietnam, hacker hotspot”

Why Is Britain Retreating from Global Leadership on Climate Action?

Yale Environment 360

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announcing last month that the U.K. will delay the phaseout of gasoline and diesel cars.
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announcing last month that the U.K. will delay the phaseout of gasoline and diesel cars. JUSTIN TALLIS / POOL VIA AP

While Britain has long been a leader in cutting emissions, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is now implementing a stunning reversal of climate-friendly policies, with new plans to “max out” oil production. Business leaders have joined environmentalists in condemning the moves.


In 1988, British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher became the first world leader to take a stand on fighting climate change. Last month, exactly a quarter-century later, her successor Rishi Sunak tore up a cross-party consensus on the issue that had survived the intervening eight general elections and replaced it with a populist assault on what had been his own government’s environmental policies.

Thatcher, who trained as a chemist before entering politics, took her stand at a packed meeting of the country’s most prestigious science body, the Royal Society, on September 27, 1988. She told the assembly that “we are creating a global heat trap which could lead to climate instability” and promised action to curb global warming and achieve “stable prosperity”.

Tiếp tục đọc “Why Is Britain Retreating from Global Leadership on Climate Action?”

Fukushima wastewater issue will further divide a nation, split families, and cause ‘atomic divorce’ By Maxime Polleri | October 17, 2023

 Mothers march in Tokyo against radiation exposure risks five years after the Fukushima nuclear disaster on March 5, 2016. (Photo by Maxime Polleri)Share

In a bid to dispel seafood worries around the release of Fukushima nuclear wastewater into the ocean, Japan’s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida ate an array of sashimi late in August; the raw fish ranged from flounder to sea bass caught in the Fukushima area. It is “safe and delicious,” he joyfully declared during a public relations effort to revitalize the fishing industry, which has been affected by a Chinese seafood ban and consumer anxieties over the wastewater release.

Many applauded Kishida’s comment, which echoes the same government narrative around post-Fukushima food safety, as well as his firm support for the release of tritium-contaminated water—a discharge process that the International Atomic Energy Agency stated complies with operational safety limits for radiation.

But as someone who studied the aftermath of the Fukushima nuclear disaster for more than a decade, I believe that this decision will irreversibly erode public trust and create irreparable long-lasting tensions. During my years of research in Japan as an anthropologist, I witnessed first-hand how state policies around Fukushima’s economic recovery are fragmenting communities, which constitutes an enduring catastrophe of its own.

Tiếp tục đọc “Fukushima wastewater issue will further divide a nation, split families, and cause ‘atomic divorce’”

Fukushima’s Nuclear Wastewaters Have Been Released. Now What?

34,303 views Oct 10, 2023 #Radioactive#CNAInsider#Japan

Japan has completed phase one of wastewater release from the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear disaster. Despite assurances from the government and IAEA representatives that the water’s radioactive particles, specifically Tritium, are not harmful, many in Japan and the region are not appeased.

Insight’s Genevieve Woo travels across Fukushima to find out what has happened since the release. She finds fishermen off the coast of Japan who are worried about their livelihoods. Meanwhile, China and Hong Kong seafood curbs continue. What repercussions will the wastewater have on Japan and its neighbours? What has happened one month after the water release? And does the data support further release of waters?

00:00 Introduction

01:30 Activists protest discharge of radioactive water

05:34 Treating radioactive wastewater before release

08:07 Fukushima’s fishermen unhappy

13:00 Impact on Fukushima’s tourism industry

17:59 People living near the plant react to the release

23:42 How much radiation is there really?

28:18 Distrust towards TEPCO and the Japanese government

35:08 China’s import ban on Japanese seafood

37:13 Does the rest of Japan have fears about the wastewater release?

42:41 Japan’s future nuclear power plans

=============== ABOUT THE SHOW: Insight investigates and analyses topical issues that impact Asia and the rest of the world.

Những toan tính ở dải đất hẹp Gaza

SÁNG ÁNH – 21/10/2023 10:32 GMT+7

TTCTNgày 22-9 tại Đại hội đồng Liên Hiệp Quốc, Thủ tướng Israel Benjamin Netanyahu hân hoan trương ra tấm bản đồ Trung Đông “đổi mới”.

Trên đó Palestine đã bị xóa sổ và theo ông Netanyahu, họ sẽ phải chấp nhận thôi vì họ chỉ là 2% dân số Ả Rập, mà các nước Ả Rập đã chấp nhận Israel. Ông hớn hở nhất là Saudi Arabia sắp sửa công nhận Israel nay mai – chiếc đinh cuối cùng đóng nắp quan tài của một quốc gia Palestine tương lai.

Ảnh: Vox
Ảnh: Vox

Cuối năm 2020, trước khi chính quyền Mỹ của Tổng thống Donald Trump ra đi, cậu con rể Jared Kushner đã chiêu dụ thành công hai tiểu quốc vùng Vịnh Bahrain và UAE giao hảo với Israel, trong khuôn khổ Hiệp định Abraham.

Tiếp tục đọc “Những toan tính ở dải đất hẹp Gaza”