Gaza children of war and conflict

Gaza is a virtual prison with hardly any way in or out. And it has been so since ten years ago when Al Jazeera entered Gaza to talk to the grandchildren of Fatima al Najar, who had recently achieved a strange kind of fame as the oldest Palestinian suicide bomber.

These children, whose lives had been shaped by the oppressive conditions imposed on the territory by Israel, spoke frankly about the hopes, and fear, for their future. Tehal was just ten at the time, and wanted to be the first female president of Palestine.

She said she had three priorities; to clean up the mess left behind by the Israeli bulldozers, to give children their rights, and “to build a new Gaza”. In contrast, another young girl – Rana – hoped to become a journalist, “So I can tell the people how we suffer here. I am a child, I know what death means, I know what war means, I know what blood means.”

These and other children opened their hearts in a moving show of optimism in the face of the dire conditions in which they lived.

Now, a decade on, Rewind returns to Gaza in search of the children featured in Children of Conflict, now young adults.Once again they speak to Al Jazeera’s cameras contrasting their aspirations of ten years ago with the reality of today.

Gaza and Israel: The cost of war will be counted in children’s lives

UNICEF OCTOBER 26, 2023 by UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell

The true cost of the violence in Gaza and Israel will be measured in children’s lives—those lost to the violence and those forever changed by it.

Less than three weeks on from the horrific attack inside Israel and the start of daily bombings of the Gaza Strip, the devastating tally in Israel and Gaza is quickly adding up. More than 2,700 Palestinian children have been killed and nearly 6,000 injured, according to Gaza’s Ministry of Health, for a shocking average of more than 480 child casualties per day.

More than 30 Israeli children have reportedly been killed, while at least 20 remain hostage in the Gaza Strip, their fates unknown.

Sadly, more suffering and death is on the horizon.  

Gaza is one of the most densely populated places on Earth—home to more than 2 million people, nearly half of whom are children. More than 1 million people in the north have been warned to move south, ahead of what is expected to be a wide-scale military operation. But with near-constant shelling, closed borders, and little room for movement, they have nowhere truly safe to go.   

Meanwhile, what clean water remains is quickly running out, leaving many Gazans with little choice but to rely on polluted wells. This dramatically increases the risk of waterborne-disease outbreaks. Unless access to safe drinking water is restored, people will die from severe dehydration and illness, with children the most vulnerable.  

Tiếp tục đọc “Gaza and Israel: The cost of war will be counted in children’s lives”

Dải Gaza: Một thảm họa nhân đạo chực chờ

SÁNG ÁNH – 29/10/2023 11:25 GMT+7

TTCTIsrael đang triển khai một sách lược rất kiểu “tát nước bắt cá” có nguy cơ gây ra một thảm họa nhân đạo tại Dải Gaza trong cuộc chiến Trung Đông hiện giờ.

Trẻ em Palestine trên xe cứu thương, ngay sau vụ tấn công bệnh viện Al-Ahly ở Gaza ngày 17-10. Ảnh: Reuters
Trẻ em Palestine trên xe cứu thương, ngay sau vụ tấn công bệnh viện Al-Ahly ở Gaza ngày 17-10. Ảnh: Reuters

Sau hai tuần chiến tranh, ngày 21-10, 20 xe tải, tức 400 tấn hàng cứu trợ, được cho phép vào Dải Gaza bị Israel vây hãm. Đây là kết quả sau khi thương thuyết, thảo luận tới lui và Israel lúc thuận lúc không. 

Nguyên tắc của Israel là nếu Hamas buông súng đầu hàng thì Gaza sẽ được tiếp tế. Trừng trị tập thể, như ta biết, là vi phạm quy ước quốc tế. Không thể vì 2.000 du kích mà đánh bom và bỏ đói tập thể hơn 2 triệu người dân tại Gaza.

Đây chẳng phải là việc lén lút, mà là chính sách công khai của Israel mang tên “Sách lược Dahiya”, do tham mưu trưởng Gadi Eizenkot (2015-2019) chủ trương từ lúc ông là tư lệnh mặt trận miền bắc đối diện Lebanon. Trong chiến tranh với Hezbollah tại Lebanon (2006), Dahiya là khu ngoại ô Beirut do Hezbollah quản lý.

Tiếp tục đọc “Dải Gaza: Một thảm họa nhân đạo chực chờ”

Allies Fear US Is Overextended as Global Conflicts Spread

European and Asian allies of the United States increasingly doubt Washington’s ability to simultaneously help Israel and Ukraine – Bloomberg writes, citing sources.

The United States was confident in the normalization of relations between Israel and the Arab countries, so it moved resources from the Middle East to direct them to fight Russia or China, and is now forced to ask Tel Aviv to postpone the operation in the Gaza Strip in order to increase its forces in the region, the agency writes .

At the same time, Ukraine has exhausted its reserves of artillery shells from the United States and its allies, and attempts to increase ammunition production are facing various obstacles.

Tiếp tục đọc “Allies Fear US Is Overextended as Global Conflicts Spread”