United Nations Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People – NGO ACTION NEWS19 October 2023

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Middle East 
On 18 October, the Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies published an article expressing dismay over the bombing of Al Ahli Arabi Baptist Hospital in Gaza and calling, among other things, for the ICC to implement an investigation into crimes committed by all parties since 7 October and initiate prosecution of those implicated in crimes. 

On 18 October, the Al Mezan Center for Human Rights published an article detailing bomb attacks throughout Gaza since 13 October when Israel ordered Palestinians in the north of the Gaza Strip to evacuate their homes and move south. 

On 18 October, Adalah – The Legal Centre for Arab Minority Rights in Israel sent an urgent letter to the Police Commissioner and Israel’s Attorney General in response to a video on social media featuring the Police Commissioner making racist statements and banning all protests in support of the Palestinian people in Gaza. The letter argues that his statements seek to delegitimize Palestinian political expression and could lead to heightened police brutality against protesters. On 18 October, the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) and other civil society organizations appealed to Israeli officials to protect Palestinians in the West Bank from settler violence and prevent the mass displacement of Palestinian shepherding communities by settlers. ACRI notes that the level of violence against Palestinians in the West Bank since the outbreak of the war is unparalleled in both severity and scope. 

On 17 October, nine Palestinian civil society organizations and coalitions submitted recommendations to the European Parliament ahead of the upcoming vote on a resolution on Palestine. The organizations call for a cease-fire and demand Israel stop its deliberate attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure in Gaza, including with white phosphorus bombs. On 17 October, the Institute for Palestine Studies published an article analyzing mainstream media coverage of the ongoing war in Palestine, noting that Western monopolization of social media platforms and media outlets has led to censorship of Palestinian journalists and those supportive of the Palestinian cause. 

On 15 October, B’Tselem issued a press release expressing alarm over Israeli plans to launch a ground invasion in Gaza and stressing that the campaign against the population of Gaza must stop because “one crime does not warrant another.” The same day it also issued a press release with other Israeli human rights organizations, including HaMoked, calling for immediate release of all hostages and an end to the bombardment of civilians. 

On 15 October, Peace Now published an analysis of events of the first week of the war in Gaza, noting that as public attention is focused on the combat zones there is an increase in settler violence across the West Bank. 

On 14 October, the Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association and other civil society organizations issued a statement calling for an immediate end to the war in Gaza and the protection of civilians in accordance with international law. 

On 13 October, BADIL – Resource Centre for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights issued an open letter to UN Secretary-General António Guterres and the international community calling for the opening of humanitarian relief corridors and expressing concern over any plans to transfer Palestinian residents of the Gaza Strip to Egypt. 
On 13 October, Al-Haq issued a statement calling on the international community to urgently intervene to protect the Palestinian people against genocide. 

On 13 October, 7amleh– The Arab Centre for the Advancement of Social Media and other civil society organizations issued a joint statement (in Arabic) calling on technology companies to respect Palestinian digital rights in times of crisis. On 13 October, Gisha issued a press release calling on the international community to intervene urgently to prevent further harm to civilians, noting that there are already indications that Israel is committing war crimes in Gaza. On 13 October, Physicians for Human Rights – Israel issued a joint statement with B’Tselem expressing concern over the humanitarian situation in Gaza, noting that hospitals were on the brink of collapse due to the large number of wounded and the lack of supplies, including fuel for generators.

 Asia and Europe 

On 18 October, the European Coordination of Committees and Associations for Palestine shared a public statement signed by 790 scholars from around the world warning of potential genocide in Gaza. 

On 17 October the Palestinian Return Centre issued a press release expressing its horror at the airstrike on the Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital in Gaza, saying the attack amounted to state terrorism and a war crime. 

On 17 October, Law for Palestine hosted a webinar titled “Gaza on the Brink: Israeli Genocidal Intent” which brought together Palestinian scholars and other legal experts in the crime of genocide to discuss the current situation in Gaza. 

On 16 October, Amnesty International issued a statement saying that the ban on all demonstrations in support of the Palestinians in France constitutes a serious and disproportionate attack on the right to demonstrate. It also issued several other statements over recent days, including one calling for Palestinian armed groups to be held accountable for deliberate civilian killings and abductions. 

On 14 October, the Association France Palestine Solidarité issued a press release (in French) calling for the release of those arrested for demonstrating peacefully in solidarity with the Palestinian people, and calling on French authorities to speak out and push for an immediate ceasefire and an end to the Israeli offensive against Gaza. 

On 13 October, the Norwegian Refugee Council and other international aid agencies issued a joint statement expressing alarm over Israel’s call for over one million Palestinians to leave northern Gaza, calling on Israel to rescind the order immediately, and demanding all parties to agree to an immediate cessation of hostilities. 

North America 

On 19 October, The People’s Forum called on artists and cultural workers to sign a letter titled “Artists against Apartheid.” The letter expresses solidarity with those resisting occupation and fighting for their right to self-determination, and notes that artists have a responsibility to use their art to amplify the just cause of the Palestinian people.    

On 18 October, Human Rights Watch published an article calling on the Israeli government to end its total blockade of the Gaza Strip immediately, as it is putting Palestinian children and other civilians at grave risk. The article also noted that the collective punishment of the population is a war crime. 

On 18 October, the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR) announced that the venue for their upcoming conference in Houston, Texas had unilaterally cancelled the event. USCPR said this was part of a concerted effort to silence anyone who speaks up for Palestinian human rights. 

On 18 October, members of the Israel-Palestine NGO Working Group sent a letter to the President of the General Assembly to convene an immediate General Assembly meeting, calling for immediate action to bring about a ceasefire and ensure the protection of humanitarian corridors and the safety of civilians in the region. 

On 17 October, Americans for Peace Now issued a statement calling on US President Biden to address all aspects of the crisis in Gaza in discussions with Israel, including how to protect civilians, and assistance to those who fled northern Gaza to the southern part of the Strip. 

On 17 October, Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) launched a campaign calling on President Biden to demand and facilitate an immediate ceasefire and telling his administration to refrain from sending more weapons to the Israeli government. JVP also launched a campaign asking US citizens to tell their members of Congress to demand a ceasefire. 

As of 15 October, a statement co-authored by Jonathan Kuttab, Executive Director of Friends of Sabeel North America, and several Rabbis had been signed by over 2,500 Palestinians, Jews, and others around the world. The statement calls for finding a path through the crisis in Gaza that “neither perpetuates a xenophobic response nor sustains an unjust status quo,” but rather affirms the humanity of both peoples and finds a way for them to live in peace through reconciliation and justice. 

United Nations 

On 24 October, the Chair of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People will deliver a statement at the Security Council Open Debate. 

On 18 October, Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator Mr. Martin Griffiths briefed the Security Council and expressed the urgent need for immediate, safe humanitarian access across all of Gaza. UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, Tor Wennesland, also briefed the Security Council, highlighting the risk of a dangerous expansion of the conflict. 

On 18 October, UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini made a statement at the 18th  Extraordinary Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, appealing to them to firmly and unconditionally support humanitarian efforts to safeguard civilians in Gaza. 

On 17 October, Stéphane Dujarric, Spokesperson for Secretary-General, issued a statement condemning the strike on Al Ahli Anglican Episcopal Hospital in Gaza and the attack on an UNRWA school in Al-Maghazi refugee camp (Gaza), emphasizing that hospitals, clinics, medical personnel, and UN premises are explicitly protected under international law. 

On 17 October, the Bureau of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People issued a statement condemning the killing and wounding of civilians and the targeting of civilian infrastructure in the Gaza Strip, and calling for an immediate ceasefire.  

On 15 October, Secretary-General António Guterres issued a statement appealing to Hamas to release the hostages immediately without conditions, and appealing to Israel to allow rapid and unimpeded access for humanitarian aid to reach civilians in Gaza. 

On 13 October, the UN Country Team in Palestine issued a statement calling on the Israeli Government to rescind its announcement for UN agencies and Gazans to ‘relocate to southern Gaza immediately’ without any guarantee for their safety or their return. 

On 12 October, OCHA shared a Flash Appeal for the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) which calls for approximately US $294 million to address the most urgent needs of 1,260,000 people in Gaza and the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem. It brings together the work and funding requirements of the humanitarian community in OPT, including UN Agencies and national and international NGOs. 

This newsletter informs about recent and upcoming activities of Civil Society Organizations working on the question of Palestine. The Committee and the Division for Palestinian Rights of the UN Secretariat provide the information “as is” without warranty of any kind, and do not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, or reliability of the information contained in the websites linked in the newsletter.

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