Israelis Dread This Nightmare Will Never End BY EETTA PRINCE-GIBSON OCTOBER 12, 2023 2:00 AM EDT

Eetta Prince-Gibson is the Israel editor for Moment magazine, the former editor in chief of the Jerusalem Report, and a regular contributor to Haaretz, +61J, and other international publications.

Our government has abandoned us, too. The Prime Minister has not yet visited any of the victims, and few of his 33-seat government have, either. The Prime Minister has gone on television several times to promise revenge and a putative victory, but has not offered words of comfort or hope. The logistical relief that democratic caring governments are supposed to provide is being provided by civil society.

I am filled with dread because none of the leaders, on either side, have any long-term answers other than hatred and rejection. None of our supposed leaders are capable of suggesting a plan that will allow both our peoples to be safe from evil, safe in our homes, and safe to live our lives as individuals and as people.”

Family and friends of May Naim, 24, who was killed by Hamas, react during her funeral in Gan Haim, Israel, on Oct. 11, 2023.
Family and friends of May Naim, 24, who was killed by Hamas, react during her funeral in Gan Haim, Israel, on Oct. 11, 2023.Amir Levy—Getty Images

Blessed rains have washed away the interminable heat and dust of summer. In Jerusalem, where I live, the air is wonderfully fresh and the mornings are brisk and chilly. But the streets are unnervingly quiet. Schools have been closed all week. Most cafes and stores have been closed, too, since no one feels much like sipping artisan espresso or shopping, and many of the regulars have been called up for reserve duty.

Tiếp tục đọc “Israelis Dread This Nightmare Will Never End”

Why Egypt isn’t allowing Gaza refugees despite Israel evacuation order

As Israel pummels besieged Gaza, Egypt resists opening up to refugees

CAIRO — With more than 1,500 people dead in Gaza and hundreds of thousands displaced by the Israeli military’s relentless bombardment of the Gaza Strip, global attention has focused on the Rafah border crossing with Egypt, the only viable way out of the densely populated enclave.

But Cairo, wary of political fallout and security risks, is determined to prevent an exodus of refugees to Egypt — warning it could be a death knell for the Palestinian dream of statehood.

The crossing point at Gaza’s southern edge has been effectively closed since Tuesday after Israeli airstrikes damaged infrastructure in the area.

Tiếp tục đọc “Why Egypt isn’t allowing Gaza refugees despite Israel evacuation order”

History of the Question of Palestine

United Nation

Historical Timeline

1917 – 1947: British mandate

Palestine was among former Ottoman territories placed under UK administration by the League of Nations in 1922. All of these territories eventually became fully independent States, except Palestine, where in addition to “the rendering of administrative assistance and advice” the British Mandate incorporated the “Balfour Declaration” of 1917, expressing support for “the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people”. During the Mandate, from 1922 to 1947, large-scale Jewish immigration, mainly from Eastern Europe took place, the numbers swelling in the 1930s with the Nazi persecution. Arab demands for independence and resistance to immigration led to a rebellion in 1937, followed by continuing terrorism and violence from both sides. UK considered various formulas to bring independence to a land ravaged by violence. In 1947, the UK turned the Palestine problem over to the UN. Read more.

1947 – 1977: Partition plan, 1948, 1967, 1973 wars, inalienable rights

Tiếp tục đọc “History of the Question of Palestine”

Miền Trung mưa lớn đến 700mm, kéo dài và rất phức tạp

Mưa lớn ở miền Trung liên tục được dự báo cực đoan khi tổng lượng mưa các ngày 13-15/10 có nơi lên đến 700mm. Người dân từ Hà Tĩnh đến Quảng Nam cần chủ động ứng phó với thiên tai phức tạp.

Theo Trung tâm dự báo khí tượng thủy văn quốc gia, đêm qua và sáng sớm nay (13/10), ở khu vực từ Hà Tĩnh đến Quảng Ngãi có mưa vừa, mưa to, cục bộ có mưa rất to. Lượng mưa tính từ 19h tối qua đến 8h sáng nay có nơi trên 170mm như: Hồ Kim Sơn (Hà Tĩnh) 216.6mm, Tân Lâm (Quảng Bình) 201.4mm, Thuận An (Thừa Thiên Huế) 171mm.

Tiếp tục đọc “Miền Trung mưa lớn đến 700mm, kéo dài và rất phức tạp”

Heavy rains batter Central Vietnam, cut off roads, shut down schools

SGGP October 13, 2023 at 15:27:32

Heavy rains have continuously drenched the Central region of Vietnam, unleashed floods and landslides, marooned vast areas, cut off roads and shut down schools. 

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This afternoon, the Department of Education and Training of Da Nang City announced that students should not go to school because many roads in the city were flooded due to heavy rains.

After the Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control, Search and Rescue and Civil Defense of Da Nang City announced heavy rain will pummel the city from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. today, the Department of Education and Training of Da Nang City requested heads of schools to let students stay at home for their safety as some roads are deeply flooded.

Tiếp tục đọc “Heavy rains batter Central Vietnam, cut off roads, shut down schools”