China’s Three Gorges Dam: This Dam affected Earth’s Rotation

The Three Gorges Dam is a hydroelectric gravity dam that spans the Yangtze River, in Central China. It is the world’s largest hydroelectric power station, but all that power comes with great responsibility. According to NASA, the dam delays the rotation of the Earth by 0.06 microseconds. This happens when the dam raises trillions of pounds of water 574 feet (175 m) above sea level increasing the Earth’s moment of inertia and thus slowing its rotation. Will the dam cause major consequences in our future or will the very minor delay not be noticeable for thousands of years?

China’s plan for the ‘world’s riskiest’ mega dam high in the Himalayas

As China seeks to meet its targets of becoming carbon neutral by 2060, it is turning its sights to some of the wildest reaches of the Tibetan Plateau where it plans to build a hydropower plant so ambitious that it could produce three times as much power as Three Gorges.

Experts believe it could be the riskiest mega structure ever built. Not only is the location prone to massive landslides and some of the most powerful earthquakes ever recorded, it’s also precariously close to the disputed border between India and China. Meaning any major project could further escalate discontent in a tense territorial dispute between the world’s two most populous countries.

Việt Nam rejects claims of cracking down on environmentalists: Foreign ministry

VNN – October 05, 2023 – 18:56

Listen to the article here.

“This is false information used with ill intents with regards to Việt Nam’s efforts to combat and prevent crimes, as well as Việt Nam’s diplomatic activities.”

Spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Phạm Thu Hằng at Thursday’s press conference in Hà Nội. — VNA/VNS Photo Văn Điệp
Tiếp tục đọc “Việt Nam rejects claims of cracking down on environmentalists: Foreign ministry”

Man falsely branded as murderer for over 40 years gets $77,800 compensation

VNE – By Viet Quoc   October 5, 2023 | 07:06 pm GMT+7

Man falsely branded as murderer for over 40 years gets $77,800 compensation

Do Thanh An (R), son of murdered victim Phan Thi Khanh, speaks with Vo Ngoc, son of wrongfully detained man Vo Te in Binh Thuan Province, June 2022. Photo by VnExpressA deceased man in Binh Thuan Province, who was wrongfully detained 43 years ago for murder, will be compensated over VND1.9 billion ($77,840) by the provincial People’s Procuracy.

65-year-old Vo Ngoc, the son of wrongfully accuised man Vo Te, said his family was informed of the compensation on Tuesday.

The central province’s Procuracy would monetarily compensate Te and his loved ones for lost incomes, property losses, mental impacts and financial support for six of his children, who were under 18 at the point of his imprisonment, among other costs.

Tiếp tục đọc “Man falsely branded as murderer for over 40 years gets $77,800 compensation”