How gangs are using Malta to smuggle migrants from Vietnam into Europe

Watch on ITV news

We have no choice’: The Vietnamese dying for a chance to work in the UK | ITV News

There’s a saying in Vietnam about the Nghe An province: “Chó ăn đá, gà ăn sỏi.” It means “the dogs eat rocks, the chickens eat pebbles”. It’s a hot, tough place to live, and is also Vietnam’s hub for the trade in human cargo. When 39 Vietnamese were found dead in a lorry in Essex four years ago, the majority had left from Nghe An. Read the full report on the ITV News website here:…

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What is climate finance and why do we need more of it? October 2, 2023

Climate Finance visual 1


  • Climate finance refers to financial resources and instruments that are used to support action on climate change.
  • Examples of climate finance include grants provided by multilateral funds, market-based and concessional loans from financial institutions, sovereign green bonds issued by national governments, and resources mobilized through carbon trading and carbon taxes.
  • Investments in climate action can yield results that dramatically outweigh the upfront costs, yet significant funding gap remains to advance the green transition and enhance resilience in developing countries.
  • Current financial flows for climate change mitigation need to increase at least three times, if we are to limit global warming to 2°C or below and achieve the Paris Agreement targets.
  • UNDP is one of the major entities supporting countries access and effectively use climate finance.
What is climate finance?

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