Climate Security 101 – AN NINH KHÍ HẬU LÀ GÌ

I. Is climate change a security risk?
II. Will climate change cause wars?
III. Where is climate change the biggest threat to security?
IV. Why do militaries care about climate change?
V. How does climate change compare to other security risks?
VI. What does climate security mean for diplomacy and development?
VII. How can address the security risks of climate change?
VIII. Are only poor nations at risk?
IX. Is climate change only a long-term risk?
X. What’s more important for security: climate change adaptation or mitigation?
XI. What role does technology play in addressing the security risks of climate change?
XII. Should we be worried about “black swan” events?
XIII. Is there a list of relevant government and nongovernmental documents onclimate and security?
XIV. Is there a list of relevant government and nongovernmental documents on climate and security? By year of publication?

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