Nụ cười mùa Roya Haji

25/06/2023 – 08:42

AGO – Bà con nhiều làng Chăm tỉnh An Giang sống dọc theo dòng Hậu Giang hiền hòa, cũng mang tính cách hiền hòa, chất phác như phù sa. Một mùa Tết chịu tuổi (Roya Haji) sắp về, phủ đầy ước vọng bình yên, hạnh phúc, may mắn ở từng mái nhà, từng thánh đường, trong từng nụ cười…

Trong nắng chiều, Thánh đường Masjid Al Ehsan (xã Đa Phước, huyện An Phú) bàng bạc một màu cổ tích, như trong chuyện “Nghìn lẻ một đêm”.

Tiếp tục đọc “Nụ cười mùa Roya Haji”

Summit of ambitions

Emmanuel Macron’s summit meeting has given new momentum to investment in sustainable development and climate financing

MICHAEL JACOBS PARIS 24 JUNE 2023 2517 WORDS Inside Stories

North and South: French president Emmanuel Macron greets Barbadian prime minister Mia Mottley, whose Bridgetown Initiative inspired this week’s New Global Financing Pact Summit in Paris. Ludovic Marin/AFP via Getty Images



When world leaders meet for their much-vaunted “summits,” what do they actually do? The question was posed by last week’s meeting in Beijing between US secretary of state Anthony Blinken and Chinese president Xi Jinping. The meeting lasted a whole thirty-five minutes. It was barely long enough to exchange diplomatic pleasantries, let alone to make progress on the various areas of US–China rivalry, in the South China Sea, on trade, technology and Ukraine. The actual negotiations had clearly happened elsewhere. The summit was mainly an exercise in symbolism: a handshake for the cameras and a carefully worded communique for the record.

Tiếp tục đọc “Summit of ambitions”