Home away from home: The untold story of Canada’s ‘Little Tibet’

Al Jazeera English – 27 thg 10, 2022

Tucked away within Toronto’s inner city is a small enclave known as “Little Tibet”.

Located in the Parkdale neighbourhood, the restaurants here are famous for delicious Tibetan dumplings known as momos.

Parkdale is also home to one of the largest concentrations of Tibetans outside Asia, stemming from the 1970s when Tibetan refugees flocked to Canada. The community has thrived here, establishing Little Tibet’s reputation as a food mecca and setting up a cultural centre.

But today, rapid gentrification and Toronto’s sky-high rents threaten the area’s unique social fabric. Amid China’s increasing global influence, the Tibetan community is striving to hold on to its past and maintain its traditions in an adopted land.

Explore Little Tibet and meet an immigrant community working to preserve its identity in this episode of A Sense of Community, a four-part series about unique neighbourhoods around the world and the challenges they face.

How small modular reactors may fuel nuclear power’s comeback

Al Jazeera English – 1 thg 11, 2022

Nuclear power gained a bad reputation following the disasters at Chernobyl, Fukushima and Three Mile Island.

Now, with global energy disruptions caused by Russia’s war in Ukraine and sky-high fuel prices means aging nuclear plants are getting a new lease on life.

And there is new type of nuclear plant is on the horizon- one that could revolutionize the industry.

They are called Small Modular Reactors, or SMRs for short.

Al Jazeera’s Rob Renolds reports from San Luis Obispo California.

Vietnam’s wood trade under pressure from logging, Ukraine war

nikkei Murky origins plague furniture sector coming down from COVID-fueled buying spree

A company displays lumber in Vietnam, whose wood products industry is grappling with risks ranging from the Ukraine war to fake forest certificates and U.S. trade probes. (Photo by Lien Hoang)

LIEN HOANG, Nikkei staff writerOctober 28, 2022 16:08 JST

HO CHI MINH CITY — Reputational risks are piling up for a Vietnamese lumber industry already beset by a falloff in demand from the heights of the pandemic.

One of the world’s biggest wood and furniture exporters, Vietnam enjoyed a surge in orders when overseas buyers spent COVID lockdowns renovating their home offices and kitchens.

But the Southeast Asian country faces accusations of importing Chinese goods for re-export with “Made in Vietnam” labels since the onset of the China-U.S. tariff war in 2018. Now an actual war in Ukraine is stoking concern that sanctioned products from Russia may be routed through Vietnam, which maintains a neutral stance on the conflict between Kyiv and Moscow, as it does with Beijing and Washington. A third concern, about logging of fuel wood, has added to the pressure.

Tiếp tục đọc “Vietnam’s wood trade under pressure from logging, Ukraine war”

Khi các siêu cường phải đi nhờ vả

DANH ĐỨC 30/10/2022 07:04 GMT+7

TTCTCáo giác về xuất xứ những UAV “tự sát” mà Nga đang sử dụng ở Ukraine không mới khi đối chiếu lại quá trình trừng phạt Iran của Hội đồng Bảo an Liên Hiệp Quốc.

Nhưng việc Iran nay cung cấp UAV cho Nga cho thấy thế giới đang tiến đến một cục diện hoàn toàn khác.

Khi các siêu cường phải đi nhờ vả - Ảnh 1.

Ảnh: The New Arab

“Trong đêm 22 và 23-10, kẻ thù “truyền kiếp” đã tấn công miền nam đất nước bằng UAV tự sát. 11 UAV của đối phương đã bị tiêu diệt bởi lực lượng phòng không của Bộ Tư lệnh không quân phía nam ở khu vực Mykolaiv”, Bộ Tư lệnh các lực lượng vũ trang Ukraine đăng trên Facebook sáng thứ hai 23-10. 

Bản tin này còn cho biết “thêm 3 UAV Shahed-136 khác đã bị bắn hạ bởi các đơn vị khác ở phía nam”. Chưa hết, “thêm 2 UAV lảng vảng, tìm cách đột phá từ hướng nam, đã bị phá hủy bởi các khẩu đội phòng không của Bộ Tư lệnh không quân đông và trung tâm ở phía đông và bắc Ukraine”.

Tiếp tục đọc “Khi các siêu cường phải đi nhờ vả”

South Korean authorities say they had no guidelines for Halloween crowds, as families grieve 155 victims

Jessie Yeung
Sophie Jeong
Gawon Bae
Jake Kwon


By Jessie YeungSophie JeongGawon BaeJake Kwon and Mayumi Maruyama, CNN

Updated 12:29 PM EDT, Mon October 31, 2022

Seoul halloween south korea return alley ripley W&T intl hnk ovn vpx_00012611.png

CNN reporter returns to Itaewon’s narrow alley one day after the Halloween disaster. See what’s it like

01:39 – Source: CNNSeoul, South KoreaCNN — 

South Korean authorities said Monday they had no guidelines to handle the huge crowds that gathered for Halloween festivities in Seoul, as families in the country and around the world mourn the 155 victims of Saturday night’s crowd crush.

Tiếp tục đọc “South Korean authorities say they had no guidelines for Halloween crowds, as families grieve 155 victims”

Emissions Gap Report 2022


Authors: UNEP

EGR-2022 Cover

As growing climate change impacts are experienced across the globe, the message that greenhouse gas emissions must fall is unambiguous. Yet the Emissions Gap Report 2022: The Closing Window – Climate crisis calls for rapid transformation of societies finds that the international community is falling far short of the Paris goals, with no credible pathway to 1.5°C in place. Only an urgent system-wide transformation can avoid climate disaster.  


What’s new in this year’s report 

The report is the 13th edition in an annual series that provides an overview of the difference between where greenhouse emissions are predicted to be in 2030 and where they should be to avert the worst impacts of climate change. 

Tiếp tục đọc “Emissions Gap Report 2022”